The Martian

Episode 27 - Jiaming, and Albert have a spoiler discussion on "The Martian," it's director Ridley Scott, the all star cast of actors, addressing some of the main criticisms about the film, book vs movie, how it compares to other recent movies set in space, screen writer Drew Goddard, and SCIENCE! 

*note* We absent mindedly called Jeff Daniels "Jeff Bridges." Sorry, our bad. 

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at 


Hi, it's Albert. If you are wondering why this week's episode hasn't been uploaded yet, well it's because we were unable to record one (but thanks for wondering!). In a way, me and my regular co-host Jiaming decided to take a week off from the show. "Spoilers Pleeze" wasn't suppose to be a weekly show in the first place, so I'm honestly surprise we kept that consistency going for this long as it is.

Our goal now IS to make it a weekly show, but with the occasional breaks, so look forward to another episode next week, when we will likely be talking about our current impressions on "AMC's Fear The Walking Dead." For the time being, feel free to check out my movie reviews on the "I Saw That Movie" blog, listen to my other movie podcast "Movies Movies and Movies," or my variety podcast show that is "The Stuff and Junk Show." 

Until next time, thanks for listening! 
Albert Patrick 

Fantastic Four

Episode 20 - Albert saw Fantastic Four while Jiaming did not. They argue about Josh Tranks' movie "Chronicle." They make their pitch on how the Fantastic Four should be introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They talk about the behind the scenes drama surrounding the movie. 

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at