Stan Lee LA Comic Con 2017

Episode 155  (27 mins 54 secs)  Albert makes his annual trek to Stan Lee's LA Comic Con for 2017. He's just there for one day, but he has his usual account of what he did to share with us here. He did ask several people a Halloween themed question, and that's the main gist of this episode. Enjoy. 

Halloween Question of the day (Spoilers!)
What is the scariest and most traumatic scene that you've seen in a horror movie? 
04:09 - Alyssa ( attendee )  
05:20 - Ulysses ( attendee )  
08:48 - Mackenzie ( "sand-witch" cosplayer )  
11:41 - Daisy ( Arm the Animals Clothing Company - )  
14:42 - Joanie Brosas ( - )  
16:12 - Barbra Dillon ( Fanbase Press - )  
17:15 - Ron Milts ( - Inland Blue Comics )  

21:53 - After CreditsX-Men The Animated Series 25th year anniversary panel  

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This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

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