Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

Episode 172  (48 mins 24 secs)  From a movie that Jiaming and Albert wasn't planning to do a podcast episode for, to becoming a movie that they needed to do an episode for... To rant about. Okay, so they did say some good things about "Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom" as well, but they definitely had stuff to complain about. Agree or disagree? Take a listen. 

43:17 - After Credits - the people this movie was made for  

- AfterCredits.com for Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom  

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  

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Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at whowhatwhereswhy.com 
