
Episode 170  (56 mins 31 secs)  Did Albert and Jiaming think that "Hereditary" was the scariest film they've seen for a long time? Maybe. Maybe not. They did do a deep dive on a lot of the themes that the movie covers, and share their reactions to how it ended. 

00:26 - "Paranormal Activity" Franchise spoilers
01:50 - "Hereditary" full discussion
41:14 - After Credits - more movies to watch now  
43:00 - After Credits - "Ocean's 8" (no spoilers talk)  
48:02 - After Credits - "Hotel Artemis" (no spoilers talk) 
50:21 - After Credits - spoilers discussion for "Ocean's 8" 

Jiaming Liou  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  

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Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

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