A Quiet Place

Episode 159  (28 mins 22 secs)  A lot of people are saying that "A Quiet Place" is one of the scariest movies they've ever seen recently. Is it though? Is it? Edward, Jiaming, and Albert, share their thoughts on the movie. They did like the movie a lot, but it wasn't perfect by any means. Take a listen and find out why that is. 

25:38 - After Credits - Coming Soon and advance tickets 

Edward Hong  

Jiaming Liou  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  

Albert Patrick  
"I Saw That Movie" blog  
the Stuff & Junk Show podcast  

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Music provided by The Y Axes 

This episode was produced by Albert VergeldeDios and Jessica Lin 

More episodes, our other podcasts, and movie reviews, at whowhatwhereswhy.com 
