Do Revenge


  • Do you like elaborate and very involved revenge schemes, but done in a high school age setting? Well this movie will take you on that ride, and then some. 

  • Dug the style of narrative, the look of the film, the clothing, the soundtrack, and the general heightened world that these kids seem to live in. 

  • For a plot like this that goes in multiple directions, with characters that are equally typical archetypes and nuanced enough to add more depth to them, the writing is overall pretty solid. The dialogue for the conversations (and the double voice over monologues) are entertainingly on point too, and that is one of the film’s biggest strengths.

  • The main reason for many to see this movie are of course Camila Mendes and Maya Hawke in the lead roles. They are undeniably pretty awesome in this, really bring their characters to life, and make it easy to want to see what’s going to happen to them next. Supporting actors like Austin Abrams, Rish Shah, Talia Ryder, and Alisha Boe, were all excellent as well. 

  • Beyond the slickness of the plot directions and the fascinating view of the world by the characters, the underlying thematic commentaries that are at the heart of this story really should grab your attention.


  • Privileged, entitled, arrogant, rich high school kids, who happen to not have any parents or adults supervising them. How much can you put up with all of that? 

  • While it has that breezy narrative that moves things along, there are some lulls in the pacing that tells me that this could have been tighter and much shorter than its 2 hours run time. 

  • The final act felt quite a bit all over the place for the conclusion of the movie. 

  • Plot conveniences and some very familiar cliches and  tropes pop up more times than they probably should. Suspend your disbelief I guess. 

  • Aren’t they supposed to have a security lock on their phones?!! Lazy writing alert!

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Do Revenge - watched it on NETFLIX