Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers


  • It’s a buddy comedy thriller adventure, set in a Los Angeles where humans and animated characters coexist with each other. Don’t you want to see more of this kind of world? 

  • The different Animation techniques, animation styles, mixed with the live-action world are simply fantastic. 

  • A huge chunk of this movie’s appeal are all the clever pop culture references, the fun cameos, the background easter eggs, the nostalgia, to all the winky to the camera meta-ness of it all. 

  • Having a comedy with John Mulaney as Chip and Adam Samberg as Dale, and directed by Akiva Schaffer is why this movie works the way it does. It’s only more entertaining because of the rest of the cast which includes Will Arnett, Seth Rogen, Tim Robinson, KiKi Layne, and the always great J.K. Simmons.

  • Second banana, stinky cheese, bootlegging, whales, artichokie, human teeth, Rescue Rangers cologne, men's wearhouse, and so many other things that put a smile on my face. 


  • Since this film is more about recognizing known intellectual properties, movies, and its reliance on nostalgia, so it's not exactly a fresh take on the story it is emulating. So expect the usual plot tropes. 

  • There are jokes and certain plot points that do seem to repeat itself more often than they probably should. Plus pop culture references as humor can only go so far.

  • Considering the content of this movie, I’m not sure if kids today should watch this. If anything else, this is for kids of the ‘80s and ‘90s.  

  • The more you try to think about how the world presented in this movie works, the more it might hurt your brain. 

  • Purists will have issues with what this movie does with some of the characters shown here. 

LOVED IT enjoyeditlikedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers - watched it on DISNEY+