band aid

A married couple works through their marital problems by turning their fights into songs? How can I not love that premise for a movie? This relationship story does have some insightful things to say that might benefit couples watching this, and it does so with a clever and charming plot. It is a pretty low key movie, that relies a lot on the writing and on the actors, which I thought were really good. So this is generally a film that revolves around conversations, more so than flashy sequences. 

If I was to describe what kind of movie it is, I would put it in the dramedy category. There are dialogue scenes in this movie that were quite humorous, despite the fact that several of those funny bits are during characters arguing. Then there are scenes of them arguing that were actually heavily dramatic and emotional, that rang pretty true to real life. While there are some of those really serious moments, this movie more often does try to make us laugh with it's sense of humor, which can be hit or miss. Some plot conveniences do exist as well, but I would say that they are generally excusable. 

Kudos to Director, Writer, Actress Zoe Lister-Jones, for giving us this personal feeling movie, and for playing this female character that is well rounded with some complexities. Adam Pally is also really good in his role as the husband, and brings the appropriate counter perspective to the relationship. Fred Armisen of course hijacks scenes with his eccentric character, and adds an excellent level of entertaining weirdness as the neighbor who ends up becoming the drummer of the band. 

While there are sequences that feature the characters performing the songs, I should point out that this movie isn't completely a musical. The songs themselves sound enjoyable enough, but aren't exactly what I would consider truly great. That can be excused on the fact that the characters are suppose to be in an amateur garage band, but I was hoping for some really catchy tunes myself. At least they aren't horrible, and are listenable enough? I do appreciate the effort, and the obvious heart that was put into them, plus the relationship story is what you're suppose to be watching this movie for anyway. 

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehitsterrible