Office Christmas Party

The reason most people will want to see this movie is just to see how hilariously crazy outrageous this office Christmas party is going to be. For a comedy, I only managed to laugh out loud a couple of times, and found most of the humor to just be in the mildly amusing category. The premise is technically a little on the crazy side, but it's just not crazy enough to really stand out among other high concept comedies. There are some outrageous things that do happen, but they don't show anything that will really blow your mind. Basically, this movie just does not live up to it's promise of entertaining craziness. 

Admittedly the movie does seem to try to be the best that it could be, but it's just not good enough. It just doesn't achieve that hilariously crazy and outrageous goal that it wants to meet, and unfortunately only somehow ends up being aggressively mediocre. It has a talented cast of actors, the story isn't really that terrible, and I generally did like the themes that the movie tried to convey to us. It's too bad that even with it's strengths, the overall whole of the movie just falls flat. Now, if only there was a Christmas miracle that could magically transform this inconsequential movie into a much better one. 

loveditenjoyedititsokay  IT'S MEH  itsterrible