
If you didn't already know, this movie will remind you that it's based on the stage play of the same name. It's not a very cinematic film at all. You basically have a story that's purely about conversations, story telling, and monologuing. It's all set in one location, with either one, two, or three actors present, taking turns saying what they need to say, when it's time to say what they need to say. No fancy visual effects or camera tricks here. It simply sounds and looks like a stage play. At first it might be a little boring if you're not into that, but once the story gets more and more dramatic, you're going to be in it for the long haul. 

This is without a doubt Denzel Washington's movie. He directed it. He is the main star in it. He is the main reason to see this. Wow, is he acting like the devil's out to get him if doesn't give it all his got. Arguably the best male performance in a movie from 2016, with one of the most dramatic roles I've ever seen him in. He can go from one acting spectrum of lightheartedness as the husband or a father you would want, to a full blown intensely dramatic moment as an indignant man or a friend that you are afraid for. Denzel gets your attention like nobody else in this movie, although Viola Davis has several incredible scenes as well. 

"Fences" is a straightforward story, that's filled with thought provoking ideology about how to live life. There are some plot points that I thought were a little heavy handed, but the heart and soul of this story should leave a strong impression by the end of the film. 

lovedit  ENJOYED IT  itsokayitsmehitsterrible