

  • Fascinating triggering provocative traumatic exploitative take on who Marilyn Monroe is. Very moody film, that takes an incredible amount of liberties about her life, just to really let the films point of view sink in. 

  • Ana de Armas is simply phenomenal here. From some very nuanced mannerisms to those captivating monologues that she makes, Ana de Armas is showcasing an amazing tour de force. Truly she and her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe is the very main reason to see this film. 

  • It’s fantastic to see those iconic moments and events from her past that are recreated here. 

  • Some great visual stylistic flairs that really stand out spectacularly within the narrative. 

  • Incredible cautionary story, a strong reminder that celebrities are people too, and how taking care of your mental health is a very important thing to do. 


  • Besides the fact that the majority of this movie is not based on facts, having a disjointed narrative with plot threads that are suddenly abandoned can all be pretty annoying.

  • Relentlessly dour, tragically sad, aggressively negative, obviously exploitative, and clearly made by a man if-you-know-what-I-mean. How much of that can you take? 

  • Pacing can feel too slow moving, and it doesn't help that it's a 226 minutes movie 

  • There’s definitely quite a bit of indulgence by the Director here, but intermittent switching of aspect ratios and color all seems a bit arbitrary to the point of being distracting. 

  • “Daddy.” Please stop. Too creepy cringe. 

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Blonde - watched it on NETFLIX