She Said


  • Important topic and subject matter that definitely needs addressing. It’s honestly the main reason why you should check this out. 

  • Investigative journalism is fascinating to observe, and there’s a lot of that here. This movie shows us some of the more procedural aspects of the job, and I’m all for it. 

  • Compelling dramatic recreations to some very pivotal moments in this story. Just observing the time frame of when it all took place alone, should keep you engaged in following along with the plot. 

  • Zoe Kazan and Carey Mulligan are quite excellent in this. From the more dramatic emotional scenes to little bits of lighthearted moments, they really take great care of bringing these characters to life. 

  • The relevance of this movie’s topic cannot be understated in that this is still an ongoing news topic and problem that still affects a lot of people. 


  • Very straightforward narrative without much flair or style. I understand the need to show some respect to the importance of the subject matter, but shouldn’t the movie be more of a cinematic experience than just a visualized version of the book it’s based on? 

  • As dramatic in nature is the real life topic, I wanted the movie itself to be more dramatic! They show some signs of interesting life and character drama, but really only skim the surface of all that. 

  • There are times I wished they actually gave us title cards on who and where the characters are. It could get a little confusing at times. 

  • Conclusion of the movie purposefully leaves you on a cliffhanger, making you want to see what else is going to happen next. I guess you should do your own research into this ongoing real life situation. 

  • The topic of Donald Trump is in this. Some might get triggered. 

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

She Said - watched it IN THEATERS