Significant Other


  • If you needed something to scare you about backpacking in the woods, or being in a relationship, then this just might be the movie for you. A movie that has a clever self awareness to it, and not above having some humor, or special effects. All within an 84 minutes movie running time. 

  • Needless to say, considering the premise, the visuals and cinematography that captures the locations are fantastic to look at. 

  • Maika Monroe and Jake Lacy are excellent in this. They perfectly carry this movie with their chemistry, their interactions with each other, and their conversations. Observing what the characters do in this movie is what it's all about after all. 

  • Out of all the plot developments that occur in this, two particular ones made this more fascinating, interesting, and surprising than I initially anticipated. It's going to make you curious into seeing how it's going to conclude. That "just do it" scene definitely did that for me. 

  • There are some thought provoking subject matters that are brought up in this story that do enhance the narrative and the characters' situation. 


  • Okay, maybe it's not totally the movie that will scare you about backpacking in the woods, or about being in a relationship. Definitely not the be-all end-all of that if that's what you were actually hoping for. 

  • Felt like they kinda jumped the gun with that huge plot reveal during the first 3 minutes of the movie. Pretty much pointless to continue trying to tease that for a good portion of the movie.  

  • The attempts at jump scares aren't impressive at all. Shouldn't have bothered. 

  • Okay, there's that one ridiculous convenient plot point (water's involved) that made me go "Oh Come On You've Got To Be Kidding Me With That!"

  • That ending seemed too conventional and so typical of these kinds of movies nowadays.  

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible

Significant Other - watched it on PARAMOUNT +