

  • Ragtag teenage Inuit girls who find themselves fighting monsters in Pangnirtung? Besides the generous amount of blood on screen, I do like the fact that this is a monster movie that is perfectly fine for kids to watch, with solid thematic lessons that will benefit them. 

  • For a movie that heavily features these new young actors, I’m glad that they were able to capture their camaraderie as a group of friends, because that went a long way to get us invested with what happens in this film. 

  • Gotta love the Inuk mythology and Inuit culture mentioned, which are topics you don’t normally hear about in movies. Plus the location setting is a perfect additional flavor for the narrative. 

  • Creature work is good and effective for this lower budget film. Some creative imaginative ideas to bring these monsters to the screen. 

  • I appreciate how the characters have seen Alien Monster movies and apply that knowledge to their situation. Goes the same with the filmmakers who seem to be honoring those movies with this film. 


  • "Stupid kid. What are you doing?!" You'll be saying that occasionally. 

  • Not exactly the most highly produced movie, and not necessarily having the flashiest action sequences. 

  • The many actors in this movie aren't what you would consider seasoned actors. 

  • Unlikeable lead character? Interesting choice to make, but it does serve one of the themes of the story. 

  • They mention Honda so much, I think they might be a sponsor. It’s also interesting how their iPhones are practically written into the plot as well (another sponsor?). 

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