Don't Look Up


  • A biting satirical take on life, politics, media, social media, big corporations, pop culture, division, ignorance, people, and the future of the planet. In other words, a metaphorical look at the world today. 

  • Among this huge ensemble cast, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill, and Mark Rylance, were all excellent stand-outs. 

  • Several entertaining scenes, running jokes, and set pieces, all moving at a quick pace. It all leads to that ending, which I think is worth seeing. 

  • There are some awesome rants and outbursts to behold here. Also that bag over the head gag, that you’d think I’d get tired of, but no, let’s have more bags over heads! 

  • Thematically it does have a strong warning that we really should pay heed to. The tag line is that this is “based on truly possible events,” and I believe that. 


  • Simply put, you might not find the premise and characters humorous or entertaining at all. Your mileage may vary. 

  • How many cynical commentaries can you put up with? Because this movie is almost two and a half hours long of cynical commentaries. 

  • What’s going on Adam McKay? Are you trying to compete with Michael Bay? So many quick cuts and edits in this one, that you’d think this was ADHD the movie. You’ve got too many B-Rolls that you had to use or something? 

  • The plot seems so ridiculous that it borders on being outrageously unbelievable. I mean that’s an opinion you could very well have that can ruin your enjoyment of this movie. Assuming that’s how you feel about the story. 

  • Certain characters didn't really add to the story as much as I hoped they would, like Timothee Chalamet and Ariana Grande. Plus Himesh Patel was completely underused in this. 

loveditenjoyedit LIKED IT itsokayitsmehitsterrible

Don't Look Up - watched it on NETFLIX