Nightmare Alley


  • Intriguing, fascinating, dark, grim, with a wide-ranging set of characters, “Nightmare Alley” is an odd and unusual film that just grabs your attention visually and narratively.

  • Cate Blanchett. Period. Yes, Bradley Cooper was very solid. The whole ensemble cast that includes talent like Toni Collette, David Strathairn, Willem Dafoe, Richard Jenkins, and many more, were all really good. However, Cate Blanchett was just as amazing as she always is and owned this movie.

  • This film is filled with lots of well done character work, interactions, and conversations, that those moments are truly the best parts of this movie.

  • The particular skill and talent that this story features is what piqued my interest the most.

  • There are specific themes and lessons that this story is telling us that is worth the price of watching this movie.


  • Overall has quite a bit of unpleasantness with the story, setting, and characters that dampened by overall enjoyment of the movie. It wouldn’t be much of an issue if it wasn’t for the fact that I found it hard to care for the main character.

  • While I understand the necessary expositional content that the first act had to do, I just wished it would have gotten to the main meat of the story much sooner than it did.

  • I was disappointed with how the third act was just so predictable in ways that I wished the movie wouldn’t go in.

  • Rooney Mara seemed like she was completely underutilized in her role here.

  • Some bits of gruesomeness that may not be for everyone.

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Nightmare Alley - watched it IN THEATERS