

  • There’s a line in a book shown in the movie that reads “Every day, try to do something unexpected. Push yourself to try new things.” My answer to that would be… DEAR GOD, NOT THAT THOUGH! But then, if not that, this fascinating film would not exist.

  • This movie succeeded in making me squirm in my seat.

  • As an unconventional drama, it was able to surprise me a bit as to the direction of the story.

  • Haley Bennett is fantastic in this, playing her character Hunter in a very specifically delicate way.

  • Some welcome levity is added with Laith Nakli’s character.

  • Cinematography is absolutely gorgeous to look at.

  • Thematic wise, there are some complicated but thought provoking ideas brought up by this story.


  • The deliberate pacing of the film might be considered slow for some.

  • Some people might also feel frustrated in putting up with sequences that takes its time in establishing the tone and mood of a scene.

  • Movie makes it too easy to feel a certain way about the Conrad family. How about a little bit more nuance there?


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