

  • While a bit silly, the premise works decently well for me, I guess...

  • It’s got lots of jump scares. Kudos for not being mostly cheap scares, as the movie appropriately telegraphs when a jump scare is going to happen. For the fun factor, the jump scares were effective I suppose.

  • Elizabeth Lail as Quinn Harris, plays a good protagonist for a scary / horror movie like this.

  • The supporting “funny” characters like Tom Segura as Derek, and P.J. Byrne as Father John were entertaining enough.


  • The premise is really super silly and kinda pushes the boundaries of being totally stupid ridiculous.

  • Stupid stupid characters doing stupid stupid things. Haven’t they heard the saying “Curiosity kills the cat?”

  • You know those eye-rolling moments when certain characters should tell somebody about something important, but decides not to say something, just because, even if that’s a counter productive decision to make? THIS movie.

  • Plot conveniences, just for the sake of the fact the story needs to continue.

  • The “what if” plot holes that the story generates in your own imagination breaks the whole movie.

  • Do try to keep your suspension of disbelief… if you can.

  • That whole subplot involving Peter Facinelli… did we really need that? bleah

  • Final act pushed things to ludicrous levels that the movie was too lazy to bother explaining how the characters could possibly properly explain what happened to them to resolve that dangling plot line. Ignore it? How about they just don’t put themselves in a situation that only causes more problems with the story?!

  • I wanted to give the middle finger to the very last shot of the movie.


loveditenjoyeditlikedititsokay IT’S MEH itsterrible