ocean's 8

- Fan service call backs reminding us that this is connected to the George Clooney Ocean movies is nice
- The whole opening sequences featuring Sandra Bullock as Debbie Ocean is fantastic
- Anne Hathaway hamming it up for the character she plays here is quite enjoyable to watch
- The heist itself is entertaining enough to see play out
- I actually liked all the bits involving James Corden's role in the story
- Shows promise to better things with this cast of characters

- This cast of characters need more personality! At best they only hint at who they are, but only in very limited ways
- Some of the plot turns were kinda baffling to me, and made the heist less believable
- Most of the first half of this movie was ridiculously boring for me. Made me very restless. 
- I thought the movie needed more energy and simply more fun than what we actually got. 
- Short of some very few moments, the overall movie was mostly pedestrian and forgettable. 

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