
It's going to be really easy to call this a dumb and pointless movie, and I can understand why some will say that. Let's think about this for a minute... If you were told to make a movie out of a simple video game, that's about a giant gorilla, a giant werewolf, and a giant lizard, rampaging around a city, causing a lot of destruction, how would you do it? Well I will say that the film-making talent behind this movie figured it out, and managed to make it as entertaining as they possibly could. I say that's a win for video game movies. 

The dumb point of all this, is to show the giant animals rampaging, and there is that whole section at the second half of this movie where we do see the giant animals causing all the chaos, wreckage, and death. All that is admittedly fun to just watch happen on screen. Oh wait, did I say "death?" That's right, give props for this movie in not shying away from showing people actually get eaten whole or violently thrown around like rag dolls, by the big animals. 

Besides the sheer guilty pleasure of watching the mayhem on screen, another reason to give this movie some attention is Dwayne Johnson's connection with George the Gorilla. I didn't really care much about the Doctor character, any of the supporting cast, or the typical villain roles, but I did find Dwayne's relationship with George to be very charming. George himself is a fun character with personality, when he isn't just mindlessly being so aggressive that is. I should also at least give a shout out to Jeffrey Dean Morgan for properly chewing the scenery whenever he is on screen. 

So all you have to do to enjoy "Rampage," is to simply ignore the plot conveniences, the logical flaws, the familiar story beats, and the character inconsistencies. Also ignore this exposition heavy dramatic scene around the middle of the story that just frustratingly stops this movie dead in it's track. Ignore all that, and you will come away from watching it and go "hey, while it's far from being great, that actually wasn't a bad video game movie." 

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