the mule

- Clint Eastwood turns on the charm all the way up, to make us feel sympathy for Earl Stone, this old man with huge character flaws.
- This is a leisurely told movie that takes it’s time, which borders on the edge of feeling just right or feeling way too long.
- Although you probably have an idea on how this is going to end, you’re going to want to see it all the way through anyway.
- Part of the appeal of this story are the small little encounters that Earl runs into on his runs, as they add a form of levity to an otherwise dangerous occupation.

- Those small little encounters also feel rather questionable if you consider all the subtext those scenes represent. Depending on that, those scenes might feel very distracting. In fact, I would argue that they really were distracting.
- Simply put, some people might find this movie too slow and too long.
- While some of the supporting cast are given some character development, the only one you’ll truly feel invested in is Earl Stone.

- If I was to simply use this movie as a basis, then Clint Eastwood must really hate smartphones.

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