the hate u give

- Amandla Stenberg is without a doubt one of the main reasons to see this movie. She is amazing here! The whole cast is good too, but Amandla as Starr Carter is phenomenal.
- The point of view and perspective in regards to the premise of the story is very thought provoking, and tackles the complexities really well.
- There are multiple scenes and set pieces that this movie has to offer that that I thought were so compelling and unforgettable.
- Undeniably, the thematic messaging for this movie is a very important part of it, and is most definitely a great tool for teaching empathy.

- While the thematic messaging is strong, some might also say that it hits us over the head a little too much.
- I acknowledge that there are some plot conveniences here and there, but they’re nothing too egregious.

- If you’re wondering if this movie covers “both sides of the story,” then you’re missing the point of why this story exists. For that matter, this isn’t a “hate cops” film, but their perspective is addressed.

lovedit ENJOYED IT likedititsokayitsmehitsterrible