t2 trainspotting

As much as I'm not a fan of the title; since I associate "T2" with a certain killer robot from the future, this is still a welcome sequel to the cult classic from 1996. The whole premise of it being a literal 20 years follow up and update to the characters, brings with it a nice sense of nostalgia, which in itself brings in a nice thematic structure to this movie that is filled with middle aged men defined by the memories of their youth. There's definitely a strong sense of sentimentality to what has come before with these characters, and how they are dealing with their past and what they want with the future. 

What we have with this movie is a good ensemble cast of characters; played by excellent actors, who are going through some reflections on who they are, and what they mean to each other. There are some crazy moments here when things come to a head, fun coincidences that lead to chases, schemes that go sideways but end up with an entertaining song, to serious moments of truth and realizations. From beginning to end, the story takes us through different forms of excitement, intrigue, and emotions.

While the kinetic visual style of a Danny Boyle film is still present here, this sequel isn't completely like the original in tone. The energy between the two is different, with this one being a little bit more subdued and polished than some fans of the original would prefer. The thematic emphasis on nostalgia might also be very effective with people older than 35 years old, but it might not resonate so much with younger people. The point is that the target audience for this movie is a little bit more specific than a typical sequel usually caters too. However, if the movie works for you with what it's trying to say, then you might just enjoy this a lot. 

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