
"At some point you've got to decide for yourself who you gonna be, and let nobody make that decision for you." That's the struggle of self discovery that a lot of children, teenagers, and adults, go through. This story chronicles one such person, who is trying to be himself, but the world and people around him constantly tries to tell him he has to be somebody else. It's a powerful story that at the superficial level may not look relatable to certain people, but the thematic message should resonate with everyone anyway. 

Directed by Barry Jenkins, this movie has a very deliberate slow pace to it, which might annoy some people. However, that method allows each lingering scene to really sink into your thoughts, and make you feel the sadness, confusion, and desolation, that the main character is going through. The movie also has a very subtle way of telling it's story with a lack of obvious expositions, and assumes the audience is smart enough to understand the context of what they are watching. 

"Moonlight" is a drama through and through (some would say "Oscar-bait"), and that's admittedly not everybody's cup-of-tea. It's definitely worth checking out at least for the strong cast, and the primary actors who play the different time periods of the main character. 

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